LIS Key Stage 3 team wins Moneywise Challenge 2024                  

Alhamdulillah,  London Islamic School were crowned champions of all competitions in the Year 7-Year 9 category at the famous Dot Dot Fire Moneywise challenge 2024.  The event took place on Friday the 21st June 2024 at The ExCel London Platinum Suite with an estimated 700 students from a 100 schools comprised with a mixture of primary and secondary schools across London competing against each other in a full day of game based activities testing their financial literacy and knowledge.

There were three age group competitions consisting of year 5-6, years 7-9 and years 10-11 and featured three rounds of Dot Dot Fire’s award-winning Money Wise Game, winner of the Lord Mayor’s Dragon Award for Leadership in Financial Literacy and ranked Top 2 Educational Mobile Games, above Kahoot and Minecraft Education. Students competed in scenario-based games Game covering three topics with the following learning objectives:   

Avoiding debt:   Understanding the value of savings accounts; Understanding the importance of budgeting and how to budget effectively; Being able to avoid overspending and understand the consequences of overspending.    

Navigating inflation:  Being able to calculate discounts and navigate sales; Being able to find the best value for money using price per unit; Being able to avoid predatory advertising  

Upskilling yourself: Being able to identify prospective career paths; Understanding how to upskill yourself to improve employability; Understanding how to save money to achieve long-term goals. 


The winners were announced and presented by many corporate supporters and guests present mainly from the financial sector including The London Foundation for Banking and Finance.  London Islamic School swept up the year 7-9 category winning all the rounds and being declared the overall champions against stiff opposition from schools around London (Maida vale, Middlesex etc.) which were deemed Outstanding by Ofsted.   Captain of the team, Y9 student Arif Ahmed  said, Alhamdulillah I am very grateful that our team are champions of the KS3 moneywise challenge. The whole process has taught us how to deal with money in the real world and enables students like us to learn financial literacy. I am very proud of my team on being able to withstand the competition from many state schooland thank the our Maths teacher for finding opportunities for us like this and for giving us the skills and understanding to bring maths to life

Ustadh Mohammed Shahid Ahmed Hossain, the Head of the Maths department at London Islamic School, who prepared the students with this opportunity added, “Alhamdulillah, I am very happy with what our boys have achieved and pray that these kinds of competitions will inspire them to pursue maths and do big things in the future for mankind. For me this was a platform to measure our boys against the best talents in the state sector and they made us proud. I also pray this is indirect dawah to the corporate industry and state sector that Islamic Schools provide a balanced education”

Ustadh Abdulhadi Mamon, Headteacher of London Islamic School said, “Alhamdulillah, I am delighted and pleased for the team’s accomplishment. I commend their parents and the school for helping them reach this tremendous achievement. Three factors are essential for someone to succeed and reach their goal: Child, Parents, and School.

One cannot live up to his expectations and develop to his full potential if any of these stages are not completed.

We are all extremely proud of Abdullahi for achieving this; it is a success for all of us. The most crucial piece of advice we give him is to live by the Quran and the Sunnah as his moral code.

I pray to Allah that He accepts all the goodness from Abdullahi and his family, allow him to preserve the Quran in his heart and allow him to follow the teaching of the Quran and Sunnah, Ameen.”